Limitless Studio

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Need to Increase Gym Membership Sales? Your Complete Checklist to Ask For The Sale.

When you opened your fitness studio, you envisioned spending your time teaching classes full of inspired, loyal clients. You likely heard that “if you build it, they will come,” and maybe they did at first. But now you’ve discovered that if you don’t ask new clients to stay, they immediately move to another fitness studio. 

You may not have planned your membership sales process when you opened your fitness business, but your studio cannot survive long-term without sales. The good news is that you’re highly qualified to ask for the sale already- you have the tools and the systems to convert intro clients. (Start with Part One to build the foundation of trust, accountability, and community before you sell). 

Let’s explore gym membership sales scripts and learn how to ask for the sale to improve your conversion rate and increase your revenue.

How to Boost Gym Membership Sales

Step One: Be The Expert

Your client is looking for help to conquer their health goals; otherwise, they would work out at home. As the gym owner, you have the experience to guide your client in choosing the package that best serves their needs. That doesn’t mean you should personify the gym sales tactics that give the fitness industry a pushy reputation. You can embody confidence while supporting your new client’s goals, schedule, and budget. 

Step Two: Start With the Perks

Your memberships include a specific number of classes, but that’s only part of what you’re selling. Studies show that customers perceive their purchase as more valuable if it comes with bonuses. So when you pitch the perfect gym membership to your client, lead with the perks that make your memberships unique, especially if they go beyond the standard class packages. 

Example Membership Add Ons:

  • Guest passes or intro packages that clients can gift to build your referral program

  • Priority booking in your gym management software

  • Discounted or waived late cancel fees

  • Complimentary access to studio perks like saunas or private training rooms

  • Free workshops

  • Deals with partners like chiropractors, nutritionists, or acupuncturists

  • Discounted additional classes and retail

If you do not have membership perks, you can book a call to fine-tune your pricing. Otherwise, you can achieve a value-first membership sales presentation by leading with your business’s “Why.” 

Why do clients seek out your fitness business over others? Maybe it’s your extended hours, free childcare, or monthly community events. Whatever your selling point, make sure it’s unique to your business and compelling.

Step Three: Incentivize a Decision

Urgency is one of the most effective purchase triggers, so include it in your strategy to increase gym membership sales. Offer your clients a discount or add-on- but only if they purchase before their introductory special expires.

This may look like discount levers:

  • Credit the cost of your intro offer to your first month’s membership 

  • Save $50 off your first month

  • 15% off your class package purchase

Or a value add levers:

  • Get an additional intro week when you sign your contract

  • Purchase a membership and receive a complimentary nutrition evaluation

  • Baker’s Dozen- sign a 12-month membership and get a 13th month free

Choose one incentive, but consider testing a different lever each quarter until you find one that works best for your target audience.

Step Four: Avoid Overwhelm

Decision paralysis occurs when a person is overwhelmed by the available options and therefore chooses to minimize their risk of choosing incorrectly by buying nothing at all. 

When presented with all the options, many clients will look for the shortest or cheapest option, even if it doesn’t match their goals. You may still make a sale, but you won’t keep the client long-term. 

As the business owner, your job is to mitigate choice paralysis by presenting the one option that best serves each client based on their goals, schedule, and budget. 

Step Five: Guide the Client to Their Ideal Membership

It’s time to create your perfect sales pitch. Remember to incorporate the following:

Put together; it may sound something like this, 

“You’ve attended two of your three intro classes already, and you still have four days left in your pass- great job! Let’s talk about your options moving forward so that you can take advantage of our new client discount offer. Remember that you can credit the cost of your intro special towards your membership if you purchase before your package expires, which means you’ll get your entire intro package totally free!

Based on your goal of increasing your flexibility to play with your grandchildren, our once-a-week membership is perfect for you. In this membership, you’ll get free priority booking, so you never have to worry about getting into your favorite class, two guest passes to bring your husband to class with you, and 15% off all props in our retail area! 

All of this is just $89 a month, but with your intro discount, that comes to just $39 for your first month! Are you ready to get started?”

Practice Makes Profitable

When I work with clients, we role-play their sales scripts together before they pitch to clients. Before you start, ask a partner or employee to role-play with you. Practice makes a tremendous difference in your success.

While you role-play, record yourself so that you can watch for the following:

  • Are you confident and concise?

  • Is your pitch compelling with the membership options clearly explained?

  • Do you shy away from the price, or do you confidently convey the value?

  • Does your membership sales pitch lead with the perks?

  • Is there a sense of urgency that encourages the client to buy today?

  • Would you buy if presented with the same pitch?

Think of this as more of a recipe than a strict script. While the clients’ goals and suggestions will change, your tone, confidence, and methodology should remain consistent. 

What If They Don’t Buy?

You planned, practiced, and pitched, but they didn’t purchase. Try not to take it personally; there are many reasons why it may not have been a yes. Follow up with a quick survey or text message to see if your client flow needs improvement. Then, enter your client onto a future campaign with an action item to follow up within 60 days. 

My Great Aunt Wilma, the most impressive businesswoman I’ve ever met, coined our family phrase, “the game starts with no.” Each unconverted client is a warm lead who may be the perfect fit for an upcoming open house. Continue to refine your sales process and book a strategy call to practice roll-playing with an expert if you need more help.

Ready to dive deeper into sales to start making more money right away? The Studio Sales Solution is live! Click below to check out the exact process that brought success to one of the Limitless pilates studios:

Hello! I just looked at my November sales, they are $23,000! Highest in over 3 years! Thanks for your help!!! 💕🥳 All of our classes have waiting lists and more clients are getting upset that they can’t get in. Thanks Lead Sheet and for all your help Niki!.